Ukioq 2000-imi ukiakkut erinniarsuarnik kitaareertartutut siullersaallunga Kalaallit Nunaanni tusarnaartitseqattaarlunga angalagama, perngarlunga Kalaallit Nunaata pinnersusersua takuara!
Tusarnaartitsisarnikka oqaluffitoqqani qisuusuni kusanartuni, piorsarsimassutsikkut katerittarfinni, katersortarfinni, paaqqinnittarfinni, ataasiakkaani ingerlanneqarput. Taamani tusarnaarianit kalaallinit inussiarnerluinnartunit asanninnerlu kalaallit tamarmik pigisaat malugalugu.
Kalaallit nunaanni taamani angalanera puigunaatsuuvoq, eqqaamajuaannassavaralu angisuumik nuannaarutigalugu.
Taamaammat kalaallit erinarsuutaataat inuiaassutsiminnut nunaminnullu tunngatitaaq tusarlugit uannut annertuumik ataqqinninnermik misigititsivoq, taakkumi immernermik naassaanngitsumik kunassuseqarput.
Erinarsuutit tusarnerluinnartunik erinaqarput, taallallu ajasoornartumik nittarsaassipput inuiannik qangaaniilli erinarsorujumatuujusunit.
Erinarsuutit kitaarimut erinavii naapertorlugit nuusersugaapput, tamannalu uannut pingaaruteqarpoq, tassami erinniortup taallamut erinarititaa pissutissaqarluartumik aallaaveqartarmat. Assersuutigalugu erinniortup misigissutsikkut naleqqussorisaminik erinnersinnaasarpaa, imaluunniit tusarnersuunissaa ujartorsinnaasarlugu.
Nuutit kitaarertaleqqaanut naatsorsuussaanngillat, sungiussilluarsimasunulli atugassiatut allagaallutik. Taamaammat nuutit aamma Bo Swahn-imit patiffilersuutitut allagaapput, nuusersorluni kitaarernermik sungiussisimanngitsunut aamma eqqarsaatigaluggit.
Neriuppunga tamanut kitaarigassiatut saqqummiunnerisigut kalaallit erinarsuusiaanni erlinnartutut amerlanerit tamalikkaarnerusumillu ilisimaneqalissasut.
When I in the fall of 2000 toured in Greenland as the first clssical guitarist ever, I experienced for the first time how beautiful acountry Greenland is! My concerts counted the idyllic old wooden churches, cultural centers, community centers, and individual nursing homes. All the places I was greeted by a very friendly and hospitable Greenlandic audience, high and low, and it was a great experience to feel the lovely atmosphere of great love and pride as any Greenlander have.
On my whole, my tour in Greenland was an experience I will never forget, but always remember with great joy!
It is therefore an honor for me to be allowed to get acquiainted with the Greenland songbook of national/-and patriotic songs which holds infinite beauty in itself. The songs are accompanied by very beautiful melodies, lyrics that testify to a people with an impressive song tradition.
The songs are arranged for guitar in the original keys, which has meants apart for me, because the composer always have a reason to just the key, he acquires the piece. This may be the atmosphere or that, after the composers sense sound best in a certain key.
The events areare not for beginners in guitar playing, but caters to more easily advanced or advanced/ professionals. Therefore, the events also printed in tablature notation of Bo Swahn so guitar players who is notacquinted with notes can also take part.
I hope these guitar arrangements that could contribute to a larger and broader knowledge of the Greenland songbook.